Stephanie Lay et Mathias Gaillaguet

Atelier l'Étoile
Their profiles

Mathias Gaillaguet, a painter, and Stéphanie Lay, a graduate of the Ecole Nationale des Arts Décoratifs, were not especially destined to create wall decorations. "One thing led to another and we found ourselves working on extraordinary projects for eccentric clients. That's how the adventure began," they recall.

Their universe

Naturalist, rather figurative. Their taste for refinement pushes them towards chinoiseries and Asia more widely. Their sources of inspiration also come from the expressionist movement. They are fans of the artists Peter Doig or Jonathan Meese for example.

Their clients

Interior designers and decorators such as Charles Tassin or Tristan Auer. For the latter, they imagined a curved panoramic, combed and projected brass sky with a cerulean blue patina for the new Astair restaurant in Paris. They also work for institutions - most recently the Val d'Oise regional council - and private clients.

Their passion

"Exploring materials and colors, manipulating the uncontrollable and sublimating the beauty of accidents," they explain. And to add: "Each of our creations is unique. It is born from a commission that involves interpreting an intention with precision and speed while arousing surprise, astonishment."